Clio CSV


str. Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni 41, sector Centru, mun. Chișinău, MD-2004

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Contact info

Opening hours

Open 24/24 (Nightly right from 18:00 to 08:30)

Exchange rates

Exchange rates for cash operations on

Currency buy. sell.
USD 17.7500 17.8400
EUR 19.0500 19.1400
RUB 0.2020 0.2210
RON 3.7800 3.8700
UAH 0.4300 0.4900
BGN 9.5000 10.0500
CHF 19.5200 19.7100
GBP 21.9500 22.0800
ILS 4.3500 4.6600
PLN 4.0000 4.2200
TRY 0.8300 0.9800

National Bank (NBM) exchange rates

usd USD 17.8513 Lei -0.0205  down
eur EUR 19.1544 Lei -0.0113  down
rub RUB 0.1939 Lei 0.0000 
ron RON 3.8490 Lei -0.0021  down
uah UAH 0.4508 Lei 0.0001  up
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